Saturday 26 April 2014

Memory of Us

I never thought he was what I've been looking for, when I sat behind him on his motorcycle. We just got on so well, talked about everything, arguing over nothing. It was always fun to sit in the back, watched his broad back and heard his voice, without him aware he was being watched. We're just so close, only thin air separated us from each other.

Many times I held the urge to touch his back, to wrap my arms around his waist. Often I found my arms were in the air ready to touch him, but I put it back down. No, he couldn't know. It will break everything, our relationship. I wanted it to get further, but I'm afraid it will only made us ended as a stranger. Friend will be enough for me...

I really love his company, love whenever we found a crossroad, we’ll try to find the right path together. I really love how we mixed, even though we're so different. He was a math boy, and I was a language girl. He solved a problem using a certain method, while I used words to get out of it. He will seek a definite answer to a problem, while I just soothe it, hope the problem will fade away.

We would always compete with each other and lose with each other. He laughed at me because I couldn’t do statistics and I laughed at him because he didn’t know who Shakespeare is. He got frustrated over grammar and I got frustrated over integral.

“Who the hell cares about who wrote Pride and Prejudice? It’s a chick stories and only girls read it!” he complained to me one day when the teacher asked us to read the novel.

And just like him, I liked to complain when I got stuck in math, “Why should we counts alphabets? Isn’t number complicated enough to count?” I nearly screamed when we learned algebra.

But at the end of the day, we will laugh together. No matter how frustrating language is for him, or how stressing math is for me, we will laugh about it at the end of the day. Wih me behind his back and he drive his bike...

It's not the looks that got me. Hell, first time I met him, I thought he was just like the other boys. It was one day in math, his most and my least favourite subject that made me saw him in another light. He got passion about what he liked. Watching his blazing eyes when he patiently taught me how to solve a problem of math, got me on the spot.

Without realizing it, I was always looking forward to after school, when I would sit in the back and he rode his bike. How I wish we could be in this position forever, me hearing him talking about his passion. Where the breeze carried our words to each other. Sometimes, he'll listen to me trying to argue about everything, my attempt to try to prolong this conversation with him. I will stole a glance of him in the rear-view mirror of his, pretending I was watching him talk.

But it ended like this. He and I graduating. We take the last photo of us. Not the two of us, it'll be too obvious for me. But I was leaning to him a bit in the photo, and hope he didn't realize it. And we parted ways... He still tried to pursue his dream, while I tried mine. We still talked sometimes, but no more riding behind him or watching his back while hearing his voice carried by the wind. Can’t say that I’m not miss him, but he got his own life and I got mine. Besides, he's got a girlfriend now. 

 ~^ The End ^~

I know my grammar is a mess so feel free to point out the mistakes :) And while at it, can you also tell me what you think of the story???

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